Childhealthtrust | ngo

Join our mission to create sustainable change and build a brighter future for all

We are dedicated to empowering communities by providing them with the necessary resources and support to bring about positive change. We believe that by inspiring individuals to take action, we can create a brighter future for all.

Together we can make a healthier world

At Children Health Trust, our mission is to improve the health and well-being of underprivileged children in India by providing access to essential healthcare services, education, and nutritious meals. We believe that every child has the right to a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life, regardless of their socio-economic background. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to empower children and their families, fostering positive change within communities and paving the way for a brighter future. By partnering with local organizations, we implement impactful programs designed to address the unique challenges faced by the children we serve. Join us in our mission to create a healthier, more equitable world for all children.

Best Services

Children Health Trust empowers families and communities to prioritize children’s health, providing comprehensive services from preventive care to treatment and support, to help children thrive physically and emotionally.



Your contribution can make a lasting impact on the environment, helping to create a more sustainable and resilient planet for future generations.



Our educational initiatives focus on empowering children through access to quality education, resources, and mentorship opportunities.



We strive to combat malnutrition and improve children’s overall health through nutritional supplements, awareness programs, and community-based interventions.


Rated 0 out of 5

Vishvajeet Case

by Children Health Trust

Vishvajeet, son of Vijay Kumar, is grappling with a intricate and time-critical condition demanding immediate attention. At the te

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Rated 0 out of 5

Guardians of Health

by Children Health Trust

Children Health Trust is committed to providing preventive healthcare to India’s children, fostering a healthy and thriving future

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Rated 0 out of 5

Ensuring Holistic Healthcare for India’s Young Generation

by Children Health Trust

Healthy Futures is a compassionate initiative led by Children Health Trust, dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare to und

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Rated 0 out of 5

Empowering Young Minds

by Children Health Trust

Children Health Trust is fostering a love for learning and empowering a brighter future for young minds by providing essential edu

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Healing Lives Together

Empowering the Future, One Child at a
Time - Towards a Healthier and Happier Tomorrow

Nurturing the health and wellbeing of India’s children, believing that each child deserves a vibrant, illness-free future. Our commitment lies in empowering these young lives, one child at a time, fostering a healthier, happier tomorrow and thus, carving a brighter future for our nation.

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Our volunteers at Children Health Trust find fulfillment in making a tangible difference in young lives, inspired by our shared commitment to child health and wellbeing.

Kiran Kumari
Kiran Kumari


Volunteering with Children Health Trust has been an eye-opening experience. The organization's focus on children's health and well-being has made a tangible difference in countless young lives. I am proud to have played a part in their mission and encourage others to join in. Witnessing the transformation in children's lives has been incredibly heartwarming, and I look forward to continuing my support.

Nagender Singh
Nagender Singh


Being a volunteer at Children Health Trust has been incredibly rewarding. Their dedication to improving children's health across India is truly inspiring. Witnessing the impact they make every day is a constant source of motivation for me. It's amazing to see how small efforts can lead to significant change, and I am excited to continue contributing to their mission.

Reena Devi
Reena Devi


Children Health Trust's commitment to bettering the health of underprivileged children is commendable. As a volunteer, I have seen the smiles and gratitude on the faces of children and families, and it fills my heart with joy. The organization's tireless efforts to ensure every child has access to quality healthcare is an inspiration to all.

Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar


Working with Children Health Trust has been a life-changing experience. Their holistic approach to children's health care and education has left an indelible mark on the communities they serve. I am proud to be a part of their incredible journey, and I am constantly amazed by the dedication and passion of the team behind this fantastic organization.

Pawan Gupta
Pawan Gupta


My time volunteering with Children Health Trust has been nothing short of amazing. The organization's passion for promoting health and well-being among children is truly inspiring. I am honored to contribute to their noble mission and look forward to seeing their continued success. The bonds I've formed with the children and the team have given me a deeper understanding of the power of community engagement.

Empowering Lives through Nutrition with Children Health Trust

After doing a survey in the rural sections of the society, we have found the number of people suffering from the major and severe health problems. The biggest reason of these health disparities here is malnutrition and pathetic slum living facilities. The air they breathe, the water they drink and even food they eat are totally contrary and pathetic to the normal and healthy living facilities. Due to all such factors, health NGO in India is working dedicatedly to bring the highest quality health care services to doorsteps and also promoting health awareness programs. This has become the vital need here at the moment which has to be fulfilled soon.

Join Us

Become a Blood Donator

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